Current CatholicBrain Members have the option to Manage their Teachers from our ADMIN Portal.
- Login to your ADMIN Account Dashboard using the following link:
1. From the ADMIN Portal Dashboard (, click on Manage Teachers/Catechist.
2. Click on [List Teacher] or [List Catechist] to display a list of your current Teachers/Catechists.
3. A list of Teachers/Catechists will be displayed. When you see the name you want to modify, click on [Actions] in the last column.
4. Select [Edit] from the drop-down menu.
5. Modify/Update the information as needed then click [Submit] to save. You can also change a user's password from this screen.
**At the moment we do not have an option to delete a Teacher. Our Tech Department is working on adding that option.
If you have any questions, the CatholicBrain Support Team is on hand to help if needed and can be contacted by emailing