Current CatholicBrain Members have the option to Manage their Classrooms from our ADMIN Portal.

- Login to your ADMIN Account Dashboard using the following link: 

- Below Classroom Management, click on [Manage Class] then select [List Classes]

A list of all your existing Classrooms will be displayed. Click on [View] to View/Edit the Classroom.

The following screen will display several options to view/edit the Students and Teachers in the Selected Classroom.

**Clicking on [Edit Class] will allow you to change the Title/Description of the Class.

To Add/Remove Students, click on [Students].

A list of your Students will be displayed. Select the Students you want to add or remove from your classroom.

To Add/Remove Teachers, click on [Teachers]

A list of your Teachers will be displayed. Select the Teachers you want to add or remove from your classroom.

If you have any questions, the CatholicBrain Support Team is on hand to help if needed and can be contacted by emailing