Current CatholicBrain Members have the option to Manage their Students from our ADMIN Portal.

- Login to your ADMIN Account Dashboard using the following link: 

- Below Classroom Management, click on [Manage Students]. 

You will be redirected to a page which displays a List of Students currently enrolled under your account.

For each student, you will be able to 

  • Edit the Student's Information
  • View their Progress
  • Email their Parent, or
  • Delete the Student's Account. 

You will also be able to ADD New Students:

Click the green box labeled [Add Student] found on the top right corner.

A blank form will be displayed for you to create a Username and input the Student's information.

When you are finished filling out the Student’s information, click Save Student.

Remember: by sharing your Unique School Code, your teachers and students can create their own accounts. (See: Creating a New User Account)

If you have forgotten your School Code, you can find it on your Admin Portal Dashboard by clicking on [Instructions] found along the left Dashboard Menu.